Since 1 February 2023, CTIF-CFI has joined a community of more than 60 countries working with the goAML application.

goAML is a stable tool developed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) specifically for Financial Intelligence Units (FIUs).

goAML offers many FIU-specific advantages that are important for efficient operations , but goAML also offers many for the reporting entities:

  • a modern and user-friendly web portal enables more efficient reporting of suspicious transactions and facts via simple web forms, xml upload and a web service (B2B) 
  • a message board ensures more effective communication between CTIF-CFI and the reporting entities 
  • general contact details of your institution and contact persons can be managed and modified rather easily

We will of provide various training and (technical / non-technical) guidance documents for users in the coming months and will continue to communicate about further developments.

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